Teguh Cemerlang Supply & Service
Property in Johor Bahru
NO 20 JALAN KIAMBANG 5. Johor Bahru, Johor.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Teguh Cemerlang Supply & Service
Established since JUNE 2003, motorised operated, chain-block operated, Transparent Roller Shutters & etc. It operated in manually spring operated, Aluminium & Aluminium Grilles Roller Shutters, Fire-rated Roller Shutters, See-thru Roller Shutters, Service & Repair works Roller Shutter — Johor Bahru.
Website : www.teguhcemerlangs.blogspot.com.
H/P : 016-7488796.
TEGUH CEMERLANG SUPPLY & SERVICE.speacialized in all kinds of Roller Shutters products such as Light & Heavy Duty Roller Shutters, it has already serviced the public for more than 5 years. All Roller Shutters are custom made to customers specific requirements in term of size, Manually Spring or Manually Chian-block convert to automatic motorised operated.
Email : teguhcemerlang@gmail.com. The company is deiversified, Manually Spring), Manually Chain Block, (Motorised, Installation, Service, repair of all kinds of Roller Shutter door, materials & colours.
We Specialist in all kinds of Roller Shutter, stable & financially secure with a history of building long term relationship with its customers & suppliers.
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